Xbox Halo 2
Xbox Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Xbox Halo: Combat Evolved
Xbox Men of Valor
Xbox Star Wars the Clone Wars
Xbox X-Men Legends (Platinum Hits)
Xbox UFC Tapout 2
Xbox X-Men Legends
Xbox Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
Xbox Time Splitters 2
Xbox World Championship Poker
Xbox Torino 2006
Xbox Star Wars the Clone Wars / Tetris Worlds
Xbox Project Gotham Racing (Sealed)
Xbox Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Platinum Hits)
Xbox Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (Platinum Hits)
Xbox Soul Calibur II
Xbox Project Gotham Racing
Xbox NCAA Football 2003
Xbox Need for Speed Most Wanted
Xbox NCAA Football 2005 / Top Spin
Xbox NFL Fever 2003
Xbox Namco Museum (Platinum Hits)
Xbox High Rollers Casino