Xbox 360 Call of Duty: Ghosts
Xbox 360 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Xbox Halo 2
Xbox Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Xbox 360 Gears of War 2
Xbox 360 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Xbox One Fallout 4
Xbox 360 Skylanders Spyro's Adventure (No Portal Included)
Xbox One Call of Duty WWII
Xbox 360 Gears of War
Xbox 360 Kinect Sports Season Two
Xbox Halo: Combat Evolved
Xbox 360 Gears of War 3
Xbox 360 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Xbox 360 UFC 2009 Undisputed
Xbox One FIFA 16 Deluxe Edition
Xbox One NBA 2K15
Xbox One Star Wars Battlefront
Xbox 360 Skylanders Giants (No Portal Included)
Xbox 360 Batman: Arkham City
Xbox 360 Kinect Sports
Xbox One Madden 18
Xbox One FIFA 19
Xbox Madden 06